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Keep Criminals Off Your Commercial Property

Amp Up Your Commercial Perimeter with Layered Security

Blog Series: Defend Your Turf – Five Plays to Preventing Crime – Play #5 – Layered Perimeter

AMAROK™ is proud to announce the final installment in our series of educational articles on keeping your commercial property safe from thieves. Learn more about protecting your business by downloading our Perimeter Security Playbook Here.

With inflation rising, thieves can make record-high profits from the materials, vehicles, and equipment they steal from commercial sites. That’s why it’s more important now than ever to protect your business with a layered security approach.

A layered security approach gives burglars multiple “mile-high” security hurdles to jump before they reach their target — your profits. Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, so the more difficult it is to access your property, the safer your valuable cargo, equipment, and materials will be.


The Layered Perimeter Security Approach

Today, a layered security approach means adding multiple overlays of protection to your perimeter that work together – the system is stronger than the sum of its parts. These layers should include:

Layer 1 – Perimeter Security Fence:
A strong perimeter security fence is your first defense against thieves. No matter what kind of  fence you choose — chain link, metal, or even wood – a strong perimeter security fence should be:

      • At least 6 feet tall

      • Secured all the way to the ground so criminals can’t crawl underneath

    • Free from gaps, holes, or weak spots where the fence can be moved

    Layer 2 – Electric Fence:
    Nothing stops criminals like a big yellow sign that warns “7,000-Volt Electric Fence!” A ‘safe but memorable’ shock, an electric fence like our Electric Guard Dog Fence™ puts the “power” in stopping power. Criminals who are bold enough to breach your perimeter fence are stopped cold by a jaw-rattling electric shock…if they dare.

    Layer 3 – Bright Lighting:
    Criminals like to operate under the cover of darkness. The brighter your construction site or freight yard is, the more likely thieves are to move on to an easier target somewhere else.

    You can choose either continuous lighting or lighting that comes on if someone attempts to breach your electric fence. Our Electric Guard Dog™ Fence includes ultra-bright LED lights that instantly illuminate your yard if the fence is touched.

    Layer 4 – Alarms:
    Bright lights and alarms work as a team to draw as much attention as possible to potential criminals. When those come on, the thieves will scatter like roaches, leaving your valuable inventory or equipment behind.

    Layer 5 – Security Cameras & Surveillance:

    You can’t have your eyes on your business 24/7, but an integrated security solution like AMAROK’s FORTIFEYE™ can. Professionally monitored security cameras not only help catch criminals with video evidence and dual verification, but they’re a powerful deterrent, as well. 

    layer your perimeter with FORTIFEY

    Do You Really Need a Layered Perimeter Security Approach?

    The necessity of a layered security approach is directly proportionate to how much you can afford to lose to theft.

    Commercial theft costs businesses $1 billion every year, with 25% of businesses reporting losses of $1 million or more.

    Are you willing to surrender significant financial repercussions or operational losses? If not, you definitely need a layered security approach.

    For all the power plays to defending your commercial property or site –
    Download our Playbook.


    AMAROK™ Offers an All-in-One Layered Security Solution.

    Commercial sites are prime targets for property crimes, and those crimes are costly. The best way to protect your business is with a perimeter security solution from AMAROK.

    FORTIFEYE™ is the world’s first fully integrated perimeter security system, combining electric security fencing, video surveillance, video monitoring, lighting, and alarms – giving you all the security layers you need in one simple solution.

    AMAROK’s integrated perimeter protection stops criminals before they get in with:

      Find out if your commercial site or business is at risk, with our Free Property Risk Assessment – you can ONLY get from AMAROK. 


      AMAROK’s Electric Guard Dog™ Fence

      The Ultimate Perimeter Solution
      AMAROK™ is the ultimate perimeter security solution because it deters thieves, so there is no need to deal with the aftermath of a crime. AMAROK deters criminals in three ways; a shock deterrent, a physical deterrent, and an alarm deterrent. Installing the Electric Guard Dog system is an effective way to prevent cargo theft at your business.

      About AMAROK™
      AMAROK™ is a full-perimeter security company based in Columbia, South Carolina, that provides commercial security services throughout the United States and Canada. Specializing in electric fencing and perimeter security systems for commercial properties, AMAROK also provides supplemental surveillance solutions, including cameras, lights, and alarms. Together, these business security services form the ultimate crime prevention solution for any business. 

      Why FORTIFEYE™?
      Even though professional monitoring speeds up police response time, criminals may still be able to breach your perimeter and enter your property. That’s why AMAROK developed FORTIFEYE™ – the world’s first integrated electric security fence, video surveillance, and video monitoring solution to create the ultimate crime prevention solution for your commercial business or industrial site.

      For more information, or to get a quote contact us.