Gate Access Control

AMAROK Gate Access Control not only ensures protection and security at both entry and exit points of your site but also enables you to uphold a secure perimeter by seamlessly integrating with your electric fence system. AMAROK has your one-stop solution for comprehensive access control management. Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple systems and welcome the simplicity of a unified solution.

Commercial Gate Access Control System
Tailored to Your Site

Improve accessibility without compromising onsite security. Tailored to your specific site and operational requirements, our Gate Access Control solution integrates a number of access components to provide a customized result. When it comes to access control, integrating with your existing security solutions means: 

Secure Points of Access without Sacrificing Your Bottom-Line

Why continue to rely on outdated manual methods when you can embrace cutting-edge technology with AMAROK? Our security gate access control system offers a host of benefits that traditional guards simply can’t match.

What’s Included with Gate Access Control

a man is driving a stg logistics truck

At the Gate

Custom solutions to increase security and
maximize throughput

a computer monitor displays images of trucks

At the Building

Secure your property and safeguard your people with our advanced access control solutions

Holding a Phone up to a Security Gate

For the User

Quick and secure access at your fingertips

GAC Report

For Management

Efficiently handle user accounts and permissions, saving you time and effort

Eliminate Your Last Guard
with Gate Access Control

By incorporating gate access control into your security measures, AMAROK customers can effectively cut down on staffing costs by eliminating the requirement for full-time security guards.

AMAROK Gate Access Control

Gate Access Control is perfect for addressing situational security requirements

Holding Keys

After-hour drop-offs / pick-ups

Graveyard Shift


a keypad with a list of names on it

Customized Security Access

Site Access

Pairing Gate Access Control with Additional Security Solutions

Your One-Stop-Shop for Protecting Your Perimeter

Elevate your building security and build a complete perimeter security system with AMAROK. Enhance your Gate Access Control by integrating it with our comprehensive perimeter security solutions, which include The Electric Guard Dog™ Fence, video surveillance, and alarm systems.

Add Gate Access Control Today

Connect with a security and monitoring specialist at AMAROK to implement your commercial gate access control system. Safeguard your at risk structures and areas within your perimeter by adding an additional layer of security.