Perimeter Security &
Electric Fencing FAQs
Have questions? We have answers. Learn more about our electric fencing and perimeter security solutions.
What are the startup and operating costs associated with an electric fence installation project?
There are no upfront costs prior to installing an electric fence. The customer must provide a structurally sound “outer” perimeter fence — something already present on most potential sites. We own and service all essential materials in The Electric Guard Dog™ Fence.
Operating costs are negligible because The Electric Guard Dog Fence is powered by a 12-volt marine (DC) battery continuously charged by a solar panel(s). Traditional power sources (the grid) may be used as a backup measure or to assist in (trickle) charging the battery — options that would not noticeably increase energy costs.
Is the system prone to false alarms?
Is The Electric Guard Dog Fence compatible with other security systems and equipment?
Do you perform electric fence installation projects for residential systems?
Is my company liable for damages if someone gets hurt?
AMAROK believes very strongly in the safety of our electric fencing and installation services. Because of this, we indemnify our customers and will defend you in the event of a claim. You’ll be added as an additional insured to further that protection. That said, our electric fencing security solutions are medically safe and claims of injury at our 7,500+ customer locations are extremely rare.
What activates or “sets off” the electric fence?
What other services can be bundled with The Electric Guard Dog Fence?
AMAROK offers a diverse selection of security products that can be integrated with your electric fence to meet the security needs of your specific location. This includes, but is not limited to, motion detectors and door contacts for interior security and video surveillance cameras to verify an alarm. In some areas, we can provide a guard response to alarms. Learn more about our product options here.
What happens when the contract runs out?
Who is responsible for repairs?
AMAROK is responsible for all repairs and maintenance work to The Electric Guard Dog Fence, regardless of the cause. This is included as part of your solution at no additional cost.
How much money will I save?