Buyers beware: there are a lot of security companies out there that aren’t worth their salt. But if you’re tempted to dismiss us as yet another paper tiger on the market, we have the stats to stop you in your tracks. After installing the Electric Guard Dog electric security fencing system on their sites, 98% of our customers have experienced zero external theft. Our unique, triple-layered security solution provides so many deterrents that would-be criminals usually take one look and never come back.

Many security providers experience huge problems with false alarm rates. Indeed, studies have shown that 94% to 98% of alarms reported to the police are false. With our system, you don’t have to worry about this. The unique perimeter security system offered by the staff at our security fence company is engineered to raise an alarm only after the voltage has dropped for a certain time frame. This prevents the vast majority of false alarms that plague other companies.
Need more of a reason to equip your company’s sites with the nation’s leading integrated layered security system? At AMAROK, keeping our customers and their commercial property protected is our number one priority. We install our system free of any up-front costs. Furthermore, any additional service to our systems is free. This is part of the reason why we have more than 4,000 happy customers across the nation. Start the process of joining their ranks by requesting a free, in-depth security analysis!
About AMAROK Perimeter Security:
AMAROK™ is a full-perimeter security company based in Columbia, South Carolina, that provides commercial security services throughout the United States and Canada. Specializing in electric fencing and perimeter security systems for commercial properties, AMAROK also provides supplemental surveillance solutions, including cameras, lights, and alarms. Together, these business security services form the ultimate crime prevention solution for any business.