10 Self Storage Security Strategies for Business Owners

Self Storage Security Strategies for Business Owners

Self-storage is one of the fastest-growing industries in America, with more than 2.1 billion square feet of storage space valued at $44.3 billion being used across the country right now. As inflation, housing prices, and wage stagnation push Americans to downsize and store their excess belonging in self-storage units, those same factors are causing self-storage units to be at a greater risk of theft. Whenever economic times are tight, crime increases. After all, criminals have bills to pay, too. 

With 52,301 self-storage competitors nationwide, your storage business has to work extra hard to catch and keep customers with plenty of options. One of customers’ biggest concerns when they choose a self-storage facility is safety — will they be safe when they are on property, and will their belongings be safe while they’re away?

For that reason, and to protect your business from expensive repairs, insurance claims, downtime, and the reputation damage that comes from crime at your location, here are 10 self-storage security strategies you can put into practice starting today. 

  1. Install Access Control Systems. Install a robust access control system to regulate entry and exit points, which are the weakest links in your perimeter security system. Digital keypads, electronic key fobs, and biometric systems contribute to a water-tight security system that makes it harder for unauthorized persons to access your business. Remember to regularly update access codes and credentials to minimize the risk of stolen passcodes.
  2. Invest in All-Weather Surveillance Cameras. Strategically place all-weather surveillance cameras throughout your facility where both customers and would-be thieves can see them. Ensure coverage of entry points, hallways, and storage unit areas — the locations most likely to be targeted by thieves. Motion detection and night vision capabilities help keep your facility safer with comprehensive monitoring day and night.
  3. Be Generous with Lighting. Adequate lighting is crucial for deterring criminal activities, and it’s a key component of a strong and reliable self-storage security system. Install bright LED lights in common areas, parking lots, and around your facility’s perimeter. Regularly inspect and maintain lighting fixtures to address any malfunctions promptly.
  4. Get Serious with Your Perimeter Security Fence. Self-storage perimeter security starts with a serious fence. Chain link and wood are too easily breached, so opt for an electric fence or stainless steel (or both). Consider adding anti-climb features and check your fence regularly for damage and weak spots.
  5. Hire In-Person Security Personnel. Trained security guards deter crime by adding a human presence on site. Don’t let your guard sit in an office all night. Have them visible and walk the property so criminals know they’re there – that’s the whole point! Make sure to do thorough background checks on any potential security guard you are thinking of hiring.
  6. Install Alarms and Monitoring Systems. Install intruder alarms on doors, windows, and other vulnerable areas. Connect the alarms to a monitoring system that alerts both on-site staff and local authorities in case of a security breach.
  7. Inform Your Customers. Your customers can be your biggest safety assistants, as they might notice things you might overlook. Educate customers about security measures and encourage them to report any suspicious activities. Place signs around your facility prominently displaying the number to call if they see anything out of the ordinary on the property. Provide guidelines on creating strong passwords for access codes and inform customers about the importance of securing their storage units.
  8. Develop Emergency Preparedness Plans. Prompt response to a break-in or emergency can prevent further loss/damage. Create and regularly update emergency response plans for various scenarios (e.g., break-ins, and natural disasters) and conduct drills to make sure your staff is familiar with emergency procedures.
  9. Have Adequate Insurance Coverage. Despite your best efforts to secure your self-storage facility, sometimes bad things happen. Make sure you have adequate commercial property insurance to cover any loss or damage to your business. Inform your customers about insurance options so they can protect their belongings, too.
  10. Coordinate a Neighborhood Watch. Engage with local law enforcement and neighborhood watch programs. Foster positive relationships with nearby businesses to create a collaborative approach to security. When everyone watches out for each other, the entire community wins. 

Self Storage Security Should Be Your Top Priority

Implementing these self-storage security strategies will help you keep your storage business safer, more profitable, and more popular in an increasingly competitive market. Want to know what else you can do to protect your business? Schedule your free Threat Assessment with an AMAROK security expert now!