While much attention is placed on preparations to weather the storm, not enough is placed on preparing for the challenges of the aftermath, namely theft.
Hurricane season is here until November 30th. Before we know it, our TV screens will be bombarded with scenes of whipping trees, submerged buildings, emergency shelters, piles of boats, and towering waves. If you’re directly in the path of a hurricane, you’ll be witnessing this firsthand.
Here’s What the Experts Predict this Season:
Atmospheric researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in their annual forecast, predict a “well-above-average” Atlantic hurricane season for us: upwards of 20 named storms, up to 10 of them hurricanes and six of them “major” storms in Categories 3, 4, and 5. This marks the 7th above-average season in a row. They warn that areas from Maine to Texas and as much as 500 miles inland can suffer destructive effects from these monsters.

These storms wreak havoc and cause devastating losses for commercial businesses. But often overlooked in the coverage and the chaos is the cost to the industry once the storm has passed. While industrial businesses focus on cleaning up after a hurricane, thieves are focusing on cleaning you out.
Industrial and commercial properties will be hit with the challenges of inventories and equipment being ruined, buildings wrecked, utilities out, loss of manufacturing and refining capacity (i.e. Gulf Coast refineries), supply chain disruptions, insurance, and debt issues… the list goes on. With your scattered attention and vulnerable situation, thieves become brave and courageous.
Most crime goes down after a hurricane—but burglary often goes up. Call it a crime of opportunity. But preparation is key to limiting the damage. If your business assets become strewn about your property, then you’ll need to have good perimeter security measures in place in advance so you can focus on the clean-up instead of on defense.
The head of the Insurance Information Institute, Sean Kevelighan, urges preparation: “All it takes is one storm to make it an active hurricane season for you, so now’s the time to prepare.”

How to Prepare Your Property and Perimeter for a Hurricane Now:
Start your preparedness plan with your perimeter and work your way in. Any clean-up effort you’ll need to take on after a storm will be more successful with the proper perimeter security.
Embrace solar power to deter them from stealing from you. Hurricanes knock out power sources quickly — except for one.
- Install solar-powered electrified fences.
- Make sure your lighting is solar-powered.
- Security cameras can also be powered by the sun.
Not only does solar power save you money on your electricity bills, but it also is very reliable and does not depend on utility companies or gasoline to operate. Often, security systems like cameras and alarms — are attached to the electrical grid. So, when the power goes out, professional thieves will look to loot multiple business locations. Even backup generators will fail to solve this problem. In big storms, thieves will simply wait for the generator to die, and move in.
Make it harder to access. Don’t give thieves an easy way in.
- Install a perimeter fence at least six feet high.
- Secure it at ground level to prevent crawlers.
- Bonus—an electric fence is a shocking deterrent.
Increase the risk factor for would-be thieves. The better the chance of thieves being seen, the less chance of you being a theft victim.
- Keep your property well-lit.
- Install [integrated] cameras that cover every inch (check out FORTIFEYE).
- Pepper your perimeter with signs that tell thieves you’re ready for them.
Reduce the rewards of stealing from you. Make them think it’s not worth their time.
- Install steering wheel and trailer hitch locks.
- Remove vehicle batteries and/or wheels.
- Keep high-value items locked in cages.
Don’t Forget Insurance, Employees, and Personal Planning:
As the old saying goes, “It’s better to hope for the best, prepare for the worst” is still sage advice. Here are some thoughts from the Insurance Information Institute and others about what you can do to prepare your commercial property:

- Check your business’ insurance policy and ensure coverage—inventory, property, vehicles, facilities, etc.
- Develop a plan for—and with—your employees, including evacuation and ways to communicate even when the phone chargers and internet fade.
- Anticipate that transportation will be a problem—lost cars, trucks, and even highways are often a reality.
- Stock up—envision what you’ll need if the worst happens. We all know how hard it is today to obtain building materials, appliances, or even groceries.
- Many of the same hurricane-caused calamities can happen anywhere, so planning, stocking, and preparation can help minimize any damages.
The Ultimate Perimeter Solution
AMAROK is the ultimate perimeter security solution because it deters thieves, so there is no need to deal with the aftermath of a crime. AMAROK deters criminals in three ways; a shock deterrent, a physical deterrent, and an alarm deterrent. Installing the Electric Guard Dog system is an effective way to prevent cargo theft at your business.
AMAROK™ is a full-perimeter security company based in Columbia, South Carolina, that provides commercial security services throughout the United States and Canada. Specializing in electric fencing and perimeter security systems for commercial properties, AMAROK also provides supplemental surveillance solutions, including cameras, lights, and alarms. Together, these business security services form the ultimate crime prevention solution for any business.
Even though professional monitoring speeds up police response time, criminals may still be able to breach your perimeter and enter your property. That’s why AMAROK developed FORTIFEYE™ – the world‘s first integrated electric security fence, video surveillance, and video monitoring solution to create the ultimate crime prevention solution for your commercial business or industrial site.
For more information, or to get a quote contact us.