4 Critical Areas of Choosing a Perimeter Security Provider

When implementing perimeter security measures, many companies fail to prioritize protecting their physical assets. This approach is important, but it shouldn’t be the end of your efforts. While securing your site, and equipment is essential for sustaining revenue, developing a comprehensive security plan is equally crucial. Partner with a provider that offers robust and reliable perimeter security systems or solutions to ensure thorough protection. 

When selecting a security partner, here are four areas to consider:  


Your employees are the driving force of your business, leveraging your physical assets to generate revenue. This is why many companies center their mission, vision, and values around their people, rather than just their products or services. 

Without adequate security, frequent employee turnover can transform your business into a revolving door, increasing recruiting and training costs, reducing productivity, and negatively impacting your bottom line. According to the Society for Human Resource Management’s Human Capital Benchmarking Survey, the average cost per hire is approximately $4,700. You need a perimeter security system that prevents crimes such as personal property losses or, worse, physical harm from criminal encounters on your premises.  


Site and property-related commercial burglaries can negatively affect your company’s image. Theft or damage to your equipment can cause downtime, delaying your response to customer needs, resulting in lost revenue. If the stolen or damaged equipment belongs to a customer, or word of mouth spreads, you risk losing your business entirely. Furthermore, if employees, customers, or even criminals are harmed on your premises, your company could face negative media coverage and a tarnished reputation. 


Insurance is a significant expense for every company. Filing multiple claims for losses due to perimeter security issues will only drive up your business’ premiums. Insurers might even drop your coverage if they believe you’re not doing enough to protect your property. Many companies find it cheaper to absorb losses that don’t exceed their policy’s deductible rather than report the stolen items. Others opt to self-insure, taking an even bigger financial hit by covering losses from their operating funds. Some even go as far as allocating losses from theft into their annual budget. A more effective solution? Save money by taking a proactive approach to perimeter security.  


Many equipment rental businesses often park or display their own or customers’ assets outdoors during the day and bring it inside at night to prevent theft. This process diverts employees from revenue-generating tasks to move equipment in and out daily, resulting in significant work interruptions. These interruptions can cost a company up to $16,000 annually in wages lost to non-revenue-generating activities. Eliminate the unnecessary movement of valuable equipment multiple times a day. Invest in your business’ wellbeing and sustainability with a strong perimeter security solution.   


Protecting your commercial business or property and assets is best left to professionals, where so they can track trends and can see threats happening in your area before you can.
Whether your company is implementing its first comprehensive perimeter security plan or is 

upgrading its current protection, AMAROK is here as your dedicated security expert. Let us help you identify your risks and design a unique perimeter security system that considers all aspects of your business and protects ALL your assets.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Take the next step to protect your perimeter and contact AMAROK today!