Holiday Crime Prevention Strategies for Commercial Businesses

Crime Prevention Strategies for Commercial Businesses: Holiday Season Edition

Crime Prevention for Commercial Businesses During The Holiday Season 

Crime prevention strategies are crucial during the holiday season. A time meant for joy and relaxation with family often turns into a concern for business owners about increased theft and break-ins. Organized crime rings see the holidays as prime time for targeting properties. For instance, during the Memorial Day period over the past few years (from the Thursday before to the Wednesday after), there were 146 reported incidents of crime, resulting in an astonishing $12,408,740 in losses. This raises an important question: why does crime spike during holiday seasons?  

  • Reduced Presence — During the holidays, properties are often left unattended for extended periods as people take time off to celebrate with family and friends. This absence provides criminals with numerous opportunities to break in and steal without fear of being caught.  
  • Increased Inventory — During any holiday, stores and distribution centers stock up in anticipation of a rush of customers. The excess inventory makes these locations prime targets for theft, as criminals are aware of the valuable goods stored on-site. 
  • Higher Demand for Goods — During the holidays, the demand for certain goods rises sharply. This increased demand not only drives up the value of those items but also incentivizes thieves to steal them. With families looking to buy gifts and businesses rushing to fulfill orders, criminals see a lucrative opportunity to target high-demand items that are in high circulation.  

Holiday Crime Prevention Strategies

How can you protect your property from holiday theft? Here are 5 crime prevention strategies to ensure you remain protected throughout the holiday season! 

  1. Assess Your Property’s Security — The holiday rush can be extremely stressful, and in such times, it is easy to overlook basic security measures. By taking a moment to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your property’s security, you are proactively enhancing your protection. If you cannot find the time during the hectic season, let us assist you with a free threat assessment! 
  2. Set Clear Security Standards — Establish clear and secure security protocols for your property and review them with your staff. Ensuring that all access points are locked and monitored will significantly enhance your property’s safety. Consider using FORTIFEYE, our 24/7 monitoring service for continuous protection. 
  3. Physical Barriers — Criminals often seek the path of least resistance, so make sure your property is not on it. Installing a robust fence or gate made from durable materials, such as steel, can significantly enhance your security. Adding barbed wire will prevent anyone from climbing over, and for maximum protection, consider electrifying your fence. 
  4. Enhance Access Control — Monitor all access points with employee-specific codes and implement more sophisticated door locks. This approach not only limits entry to authorized personnel but also creates a detailed record of who enters and exits your property. Advanced locking systems add an extra layer of security, making it harder for unauthorized individuals to gain access. 
  5. Lighting and Visibility — A well-lit property is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to deter criminals. Adequate lighting not only makes it harder for intruders to remain unseen, but also enhances the clarity of surveillance footage. By illuminating your property, you increase the chances of catching suspicious activity and make it significantly more challenging for intruders to evade detection.  

Further Assistance to Prevent Crime on Your Property 

Use your holiday time for relaxation, not worry. By implementing these strategies, they will enhance your security and allow you to enjoy the season with peace of mind, knowing your property is well-protected against potential threats. Invest in these measures now to ensure your holidays remain joyful and worry-free.

If you’d like further help securing your site, contact one of your local AMAROK reps today!